Current Works

I have loved creating since I can remember. Always having a sketchbook nearby, filling pages with doodles and sketches. Having an idea in my head and figuring out a way to create it drives me, the problem solver in me.

After years of traditional painting I have begun creating digitally. It has opened up so many possibilities. I work on an iPad with a painting program, in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I will never leave the traditional media but digital works are the direction I feel that my work should go. Creating while away from the confines of my studio, allowing me more freedom and flexibility. I can capture a feeling, space and colors as I have never been able to before.

The gallery before you is just an example of digital and traditional artworks I have created. This gallery will be constantly changing and evolving just like me and my artwork; influenced by my environment and experiences.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for commission, murals, designs, licensing or instruction.

